Saturday, November 21, 2009

God is Watching

So, as some of you may know, my relationship with my wife has gone down the drain. Those of you that are aware of how my church works know that husband and wife are the ministers of the church. Due to these issues with my wife she no longer shows up for services. As an assigned replacement from SACAN I received Cameron. Last weekend myself and Cameron had the same dream. A dream where a teenage girl had what looked like a violent seizure, this girl was also screaming and spitting amounts of blood onto the floor around here. This really scared us both, the worst of it being the fact that we had both had the same dream. We tried to figure out what it could mean, and came up with several possible scenarios. One of which came true last night. Last night we held youth group. I was dealing with some stuff in my bedroom so Cameron did the activities with the youth. She then brought them into the living room and let them put on a movie. Partway through the movie one girl walked into my room and asked if she could play my guitar. I told her she could. A few minutes later she said my name in what seemed a very worried voice, she then spit blood all over my guitar and fell back, she began seizing violently, at the same time spitting blood and screaming. This was identical to the dream myself and Cameron had had only a week before. I rushed the gril to the hospital leaving my landlord to call the parents of the other youth members. Before leaving I asked an online friend of mine who lives on the other side of the world (iintens) to contact Cameron via e-mail as I knew she would get it on her cell. An hour later we were both at the hospital, both of us thanking iintens for his help. Both of us sat in my truck after leaving the hospital the morning afterwards, both of us stunned at what had just occured. The girl is in stable condition for those of you who are curious. This just goes to show how God works in our lives day in and day out, warning us as to events that are to happen and helping those in need. Praise The Lord!


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Firefox Tech Support

Yesterday I joined Firefox Tech Support. Although very confusing, it is interesting once you get used to it. I was immediatly taken in by zzxc for training. Training for Firefox Tech Support basically means a support rep invites you to join his/her support conversations. You can watch, and once you feel comfortable you can help solve the user's issue(s). Once the support member believes that you know enough to become a full support rep, he reports you to the admin (zzxc) who makes the final decision. After only 3 hours of tech support calls with zzxc I was upgraded to a full Tech Support Representative or Support Mozilla Volunteer (hereby known as SUMOV). We use a program called spark, which takes each tech support request and hands it to each rep one at a time via a notification in the corner of the screen. You have 20 seconds to respond to the invitation with either an accept or reject before it passes it on to the next person in line. I must say I'm thoroughly enjoying this.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Week Begins

Some say we make our own luck. others say luck is made through us. I believe luck does not exist. It is true that "luck" was originally a god, the term "good luck" and "luck be with you" came from this religious figure. Luck does not exist because God does, and God is the ONLY God, as he has told us.

So instead of asking you all to wish me luck as a VERY difficult week begins, I just pray that God be with me and hope that you all pray the same. I hope you all have a great week as well, God be with you all.


IRC this morning brought back some old memories, having kye, myself and synny dipping around was something that hasn't happened around 9unkz0r in a long time. I miss it. A lot. I think I'm going to have to start looking for a server again. with my current internet connection I could easily provide the bandwidth necessary for an IRC server, and the specs won't be that bad. I honestly NEED to do this. I think what might be the hardest part here is trying to get the services up and trying to get Kye to join me as a netadmin. We need a name too. Any ideas? Lemme know via the comments box and look forward to a new IRC network for your chatroom needs!